Macro 4.2 Real vs Nominal Interest Rates

AP Macro 4.2 Real vs Nominal Interest Rates, Unit 4 Guided Notes – Print them out or assign them digitally! Also included is a link to a Nearpod activity.

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Macro 4.2 Real vs Nominal Interest Rates


AP Macroeconomics 4.2 Real v. Nominal Interest Rates Cornell Notes

Print and Digital

Blank and Filled In

These Cornell-style notes are designed to follow Jacob Clifford’s AP Macroeconomics Teacher Resources (2021 Updates). They can also be used independently.

Want a digital version for your students? Link to Fillable Google Slides Included!

Looking for an activity to help your students practice? Link to a Nearpod Included!

***You will find links for the digital resources on the cover page.***

This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.