Macro 4.4 Banking and the Expansion of the Money Supply Notes

AP Macro 4.4 Banking and the Expansion of the Money Supply, Unit 4 Guided Notes – Print them out or assign them digitally! Also included is a link to a Nearpod activity.


Macro 4.4 Banking and the Expansion of the Money Supply Notes


AP Macroeconomics 4.4 Banking and the Expansion of the Money Supply Cornell Notes

Print and Digital

Blank and Filled In

These Cornell-style notes are designed to follow Jacob Clifford’s AP Macroeconomics Teacher Resources (2021 Updates). They can also be used independently.

Want a digital version for your students? Link to Fillable Google Slides Included!

Looking for an activity to help your students practice? Link to a Nearpod Included!

***You will find links for the digital resources on the cover page.***

This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Please purchase additional licenses if you share with another teacher.

This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.